Yeti fall 24

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Middle school (6th-8th grade)

High School (9th-12th grade)


Middle school Saturday 11/2/24

3:30pm-7:30 pm

High school Sunday 11/3/24



Lowell High school Soccer and lacrosse turf fields

11700 Vergennes St SE, Lowell, Mi. 49331.


No practices


MS= 4 games

HS= 3-5 games.


Teams provide their own jersey

Extra Costs


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Yeti 7v7 team payment

WMlax and Lowell youth lacrosse Hosting

Two Divisions:

HS aged players (9th-12th)

MS aged player (6th-8th)

$500 per team

10 minimum players=($50 per player)

15 maximum=($35 per player)

MS= Saturday November 2,2024


HS=Sunday November 3, 2024

10am to 4pm

Lowell HS turf fields

MS=6 teams (with a Cahampionship game)

 HS=8 team tourney (with a championship game)

HS=Double elimination

MS= 4 games

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